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再抽iPhone 15 等3C大獎及饗樂好禮!

Exciting Activities and Promotions

Complimentary Generous gifts that worth million dollars for you
Win an iPhone 15 and other great consumer electronics prizes!


(Scroll down for more information) 


Collect points to win lottery



Event Date


9/14 (Sat) - 9/16 (Mon)



Event Format



After completing the points collection missions below, scan the QRcode to accumulate points. After collecting 5 points, you can go to the service desk to redeem one chance to draw prize raffles. Prizes include cash coupons and booth vouchers, etc.
After the event, anyone who collects 5 points or more (inclusive) can participate in subsequent lucky draws for consumer electronics and travel prizes



Event Details


  • 現場攤位單筆消費滿$50元,可集1點

  • 參加現場舞台區展演活動,可集1點

  • 參加現場攤位直擊活動(由主持人與參展攤位互動介紹品牌與商品,並透過有獎徵答方式吸引民眾一同參加),即可由舞台區工作人員協助掃描集1點

  • 參加體驗區的體驗課程,即可由體驗課程區之工作人員協助掃描可集1點

  • 參加命運區「商圈對對碰」活動,即可由商圈對對碰之工作人員協助掃描可集1點

  • 參加政策配合:性平推廣、環保餐具借用,即可集1點

Point Collection:

  • You can collect 1 point for a single purchase of NT$50.

  • After participating in the stage activities, you can collect 1 point by scanning the QRcode with the help of the stage staff.

  • Participate in on-site booth activities and ask the on-site staff to scan the QRcode and collect 1 point.

  • After participating in the DIY experience class, you will be able to collect 1 point by scanning the QRcode with the help of the staff in the DIY experience area.

  • Participate in the "Shopping District Match-Up" activity in the Destiny Zone, where staff will assist you in scanning to collect a point.

  • Participate in government-initiated activities such as: promotion of gender equality, eco-friendly utensils renting, and related municipal advocacy events to collect one point.

Rules For Collecting Points



  • 當日消費須當日掃描集點,非當日消費不計點。

  • 消費集點以同攤位單筆消費金額計算,不可合併訂單計算。例如首筆消費新臺幣120 元,第二筆消費新臺幣 30 元,僅能集 2 點。

  • 第一天兌換獎項後有剩餘點數,可以保留至活動第二、三天使用,但單日最高累積點數為100點,獎品數量有限,送完為止。

  • Consumption must be scanned to collect points on the same day, different days will not be counted.

  • Consumption points are counted based on the single consumption amount at the same stall, different stalls can not be combined. For example, The first consumption amount is NT120, the second one is NT30, you can only collect two points.

  • The points can be kept for used on the second and third days of the event after redeeming prizes on the first day. During the event, you can accumulate up to 100 points in a single day . All prizes offer while supplies last.



Raffle Prizes

  • 鳳衣美服飾5折券

  • 龍山寺地下街100元現金券二張

  • 台北地下街100元現金抵用券六張

  • 台北市新中華路影音電器街促進會600元現金券

  • 台北市圓山商圈發展促進會100元現金抵用券

  • ​商圈嘉年華50元現金抵用券

  • 店家現場優惠券

  • 店家回店使用優惠券

  • Yimei Apparel Store 50% discount coupon

  • Two Longshan Temple Underground Shopping Bazaar $100 cash coupons

  • Six Taipei City Mall $100 cash coupons

  • Zhonghua Rd. Media & Entertainment Supplies Shopping District  $600 cash coupons

  • Yuanshan Shopping District $100 cash coupons

  • ​$50 cash coupons

  • On-site store vouchers

  • Return-use store vouchers



Post-Event Raffle: Chill Gatherings with Endless Gifts

Anyone who accumulates 5 points or more (inclusive) can participate in subsequent prize draws.



How to Redeem

  • 「現場集點摸彩」:至服務台出示集點完成畫面,由工作人員協助核銷點數兌換摸彩同時獲得抽獎資格。

  • 「活動後抽獎-Chill聚好禮送不停」:關注2024商圈嘉年華之活動官網及商業處粉絲團,將於11月8日商業處粉絲團公告得獎名單!

  • Points Collection Lucky Draw:Present the completed point collection screen at the service desk and the staff will assist you to participate in the lucky draw.

  • Follow the official website of the 2024 Shopping District Carnival and the Taipei City Office of Commerce (TCOOC; fan page. The list of winners will be announced on the TCOOC fan page on November 8th.



Post-Event Raffle Prizes


  • iPhone 15(128GB)

  • AirPods(第3代)

  • 全方位運動攝影機


  • 水美溫泉會館雙人住宿券 2張

  • Marshall家用式藍牙喇叭

  • 任天堂Switch 主機

  • TSCA金杯獎禮盒

Exclusive Gifts

  • iPhone 15(128GB)

  • Apple AirPods [3rd Generation]

  • GoPro HERO12 Black

Reunion Gifts

  • SweetMe Hotspring Resort - Two Accommodation Vouchers

  • Marshall Stanmore II Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

  • Nintendo Switch OLED

  • ​TSCA Golden Cup Award Gift Box




  • 贈送之獎品圖示僅供參考,其規格、顏色、配備等以實物為準,主辦單位保留更換獎品的權利。

  • 中獎人經領取獎項者,執行單位將依據所得稅法規定辦理,中獎人所得年度累計中獎贈品或獎金價值超過新臺幣1,000元,依法需繳交身分證影本,將併入中獎人個人之年度綜合所得稅申報,未能配合之中獎人視同放棄中獎資格。

  • 中獎金額超過新臺幣20,010元者(不含 20,010 元),須依法扣繳10%機會中獎所得稅稅金,外籍人士需扣繳20%。若中獎者不願意提供資料,或未能依法繳納稅額,即視為放棄中獎資格,不另行通知。主辦單位保有最終修改活動及解釋之權利。

  • The prize illustrations are for reference only, and the specifications, colors and equipment are subject to change at the organizer's discretion.

  • If the winner receives a prize, the executive unit will handle the prize in accordance with the income tax laws of Taiwan. If the cumulative value of the winner's prize or bonus exceeds NT$1,000, the winner is required to submit a copy of his or her ID card according to the law and it will be included in the winner's annual comprehensive income tax return.

  • If the winner receives a prize, the executive unit will handle the prize in accordance with the income tax laws of Taiwan. If the cumulative value of the winner's prize or bonus exceeds NT$1,000, the winner is required to submit a copy of his or her ID card according to the law and it will be included in the winner's annual comprehensive income tax return. Failure to comply with event rules shall result in forfeiture of eligibility.
    The prize amount exceeding NT$20,010 (excluding NT$20,010) is subject to a 10% withholding tax on winnings in accordance with the law. If the winner is unwilling to provide the required information or fails to pay the tax as required by law, it will be considered a forfeiture of the prize without further notice.

  • The organizer reserves the right to make final changes to the event and to interpret the rules.


Call to Action - Taipei City 140th Anniversary Celebration



Event Rules



If your alien resident certificate or passport number contains two of the following digits (in any order): 1, 4, 0, and you share a related event story on social media, you can present your ID (or any other document showing your ID number) and the social media post at the service desk to enter the raffle.
Each person is limited to one entry per day, and the number of entries is limited. First come, first served







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