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這次舞台活動除了適合親子參與的精彩演出,還有「一起秋嗨嗨-中秋饗宴」晚會,搗麻糬體驗活動及專人的烤肉服務及 中秋系列美食,讓民眾同時擁有視覺、聽覺、味覺的享受,更與親友感受中秋團聚的美好時刻!
Mid-Autumn Themed Activities
This year’s stage activities include not only exciting performances suitable for parents and children but also the "Mid-Autumn Feast(一起秋嗨嗨-中秋饗宴)" evening party, featuring mochi pounding, barbecue services, and a variety of Mid-Autumn delicacies. Participants will enjoy a sensory feast, with delightful sights, sounds, and tastes, while sharing wonderful moments of Mid-Autumn reunion with family and friends!
(Scroll down for more information)

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